Rum Runner






Feature Film (Drama / Historical / Thriller)


A widow and her family are forced into the dangerous bootlegging trade, caught between ruthless gangsters and the RCMP.


New Brunswick, 1927. While prohibition has made alcohol illegal in the U.S., it’s also made supplying booze a lucrative business for anyone daring enough to do it.

Sophie Maillet is a mother of three, underestimated and overlooked her entire life. When her husband is murdered, the only way left to provide for her family is to take over his business of running rum across the border. Sophie befriends Joseph, a Mi’kmaq fisherman who brings rum in from the French islands of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, and together the two form an unlikely criminal partnership. Her ingenuity and tenacity make her a good smuggler, and to her surprise, Sophie finds purpose in her new calling. But her success soon draws the attention of Kirwan Wagstaff, a relentless RCMP Inspector charged with stemming the illegal flow of alcohol, and Abner Frey, the cold-blooded killer who took her husband out, protecting his boss’ territory. Now, with the law closing in and a mobster determined to rid himself of this upstart competitor, Sophie must decide what she’s willing to risk, continuing down this perilous path as a rum runner.


Producers: Sandy Hunter & Clem McIntosh
Writer: Randy Duniz

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